Our Location

      840 111th Avenue North,
      Suite 5
      Naples, FL 34108

      The O-Shot In Naples and Tampa, Florida

      O-Shot Therapy in Naples, FL

      Sexual pleasure is a woman’s birthright. Dr. Rubin has a deep understanding of both conventional and functional medicine options for treating your health conditions – including your sexual health. He looks or what might be at the root of your specific issues: what is keeping you from experiencing full pleasure and orgasm? Could it be a side effect of medication? Could a medical condition be at the root of your issues? Are your sexual problems related to hormone imbalances or menopause? Understanding why you are struggling to experience sexual pleasure is the key to fixing the problem.

      But when the answer isn’t clear, the problem still needs a solution. The O-Shot is one of the most powerful, effective tools is our toolkit to address issues related to sexual function in women. The O-Shot has been a gamechanger in enhancing female sexual pleasure and helping women to achieve orgasm. To embark on a personalized functional medicine journey into healthy female sexuality, call either of our offices or book online today:

      What is the O-Shot?

      The term "O-Shot" is short for "Orgasm" shot. It is a non-surgical procedure designed to increase female sexual performance. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP), which is derived by spinning your own blood in a centrifuge to concentrate platelets, is injected in the clitoris and in the “G-spot,” which is an especially sensitive erotic zone in your vagina. The O-Shot not only helps enhance sexual pleasure, but it is an excellent treatment option for urinary incontinence.

      What should I expect from a sexual health consultation?

      Our functional medicine approach means we work to understand the root cause of your sexual health issues, rather than just treating symptoms. We take a holistic approach to sexual health, focusing not just on short-term results but on long-lasting health.

      Dr. Rubin begins with a functional evaluation of your body and your health. This evaluation includes looking at all aspects of how your body is functioning – from your nutritional history to your hormonal function. Dr. Rubin then works with you to create a personalized medical plan tailored to fit your specific sexual health goals based on the results of the evaluation.

      Our O-Shot Program at Improving Your Health may simply include the shot itself, or it can include components that range from a specialized nutrition plan to acupuncture – whatever can help address the underlying causes of your sexual issues. If sexual hormone imbalances are impacting your sexual function, Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) may be advisable. You and Dr. Rubin will explore your options together.

      At Improving Your Health, Dr. Rubin always aims to create personalized plans based on each client’s individualized assessment. He recognizes the unique differences among his clients, with the understanding that no two functional medicine treatment plans should ever be the same – and no woman is the same.

      How does the O-Shot work?

      To stimulate clitoral and vaginal rejuvenation, the O-Shot uses growth factors from a woman's own blood plasma, known as platelet-rich plasma or PRP. The O-Shot can address issues ranging from vaginal dryness to decreased libido – and is especially effective in increasing a woman’s ability to achieve orgasm and experience enhanced sexual pleasure overall.

      With the O-Shot, you can expect 9-18 months of lasting results, but some patients choose to repeat it annually. With no drugs or toxic substances, women who were not experiencing orgasms begin to. Women who are already experiencing orgasm see increased intensity of orgasm.

      The O-Shot is an excellent option for treating urinary incontinence as well.

      About Dr. Rubin

      Dr. Rubin is a widely respected functional medicine practitioner in Florida with offices in Naples and Tampa. He has extensive experience in women’s health and treating patients who are struggling with sexual health issues.

      An Advanced Fellow in Sexual Health by the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, AMA Board Certified in Internal Medicine and Geriatrics Medicine, Dr. Rubin is a dedicated medical professional with an exceptional track record. He spent the first 25 years of his medical career working in internal and geriatric medicine, successfully becoming one of Palm Beach County’s top-rated physicians. For four years, Castle Connolly Medical, Ltd. recognized him as one of the “Top Doctors” in South Florida.

      After further specialized training, he shifted his practice to a functional medicine approach to better serve the needs of his patients. Over the last 15 years, Dr. Rubin has honed his focus creating a practice rooted in evidence-based healthcare that addresses the root causes of your symptoms.

      Combining this with his expertise in Internal Medicine and Geriatrics, he provides a comprehensive approach to your health. Listening attentively to your concerns, Dr. Rubin personalizes a treatment protocol to meet your needs, guiding you confidently on your journey into sexual health – at any age.

      Dr. Rubin takes an individualized approach to treatment, recognizing that each patient has a different medical history, symptoms, and underlying issues.

      Request your consultation today!

      Contact us today at either of our two locations to begin your journey into full sexual pleasure with a personal consultation. You can also learn more about our convenient telemedicine options for all of your health needs in Palm Beach, Broward and across the state of Florida!

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