Our Location

      840 111th Avenue North,
      Suite 5
      Naples, FL 34108

      Urinary Incontinence Treatment
      Locations in Naples and Tampa, Florida

      Urinary Incontinence Doctor Naples FL

      When it comes to urinary incontinence, most women experience embarrassment and oftentimes avoidance behaviors. They don’t like to talk about it and very often don’t seek treatment. But it’s a completely normal – and treatable – health condition. You don’t have to live with urinary incontinence anymore.

      At Improving Your Health, Dr. Rubin will always help you select the most effective treatment option based on your individual needs. Various factors trigger urinary incontinence, and certain treatment options will work for some, but not for others, because the causes vary. Incontinence can result from UTIs, vaginal infections, or even constipation. Medication side effects can cause urinary incontinence as well. Or it could be due to weak pelvic floor muscles, a weak bladder and be related to aging.

      Not treating it can lead to complications like recurring UTIs, upper urinary tract damage, or even prolapse of the organs. Put urinary incontinence behind you. To get evaluated and start treatment, call either of our offices or book online today:

      Naples Office (239) 977-9220

      Tampa Office (813) 499-1440

      What is Urinary Incontinence?

      Urinary Incontinence is a common medical condition involving the loss of bladder control. It can range from occasional slight leakages when laughing, sneezing, or coughing to an unexpected, sudden, urgent need to urinate that causes you to void all of the urine held in your bladder. Some people with urinary incontinence begin leaking urine while walking, sitting, or sleeping, sometimes without noticing until they experience a sensation of warmth or wetness. Each individual’s experience of Urinary Incontinence can vary widely, and causes vary just as widely. There are two basic types of Urinary Incontinence – temporary or chronic.

      Who is at Risk for Urinary Incontinence?

      Urinary Incontinence can impact any of us. It can develop at any age, ethnicity and in gender, but it is most common in women and more common as we age. It is often associated with age-related declines in both physical and cognitive function in older adults. Being overweight also increases your risk for urinary incontinence at any age. When not age-related, Urinary Incontinence is usually caused by an underlying illness, medication, or physical condition.

      Causes of Urinary Incontinence

      There are a variety of causes or risk factors that increase your chances of developing Urinary Incontinence. The causes vary, depending on whether the condition is temporary or chronic.

      Many temporary medical conditions – like urinary tract infections (UTIs) – can be at the root of temporary experiences of Urinary Incontinence. Constipation can trigger it, as can overeating or taking in too much fluid. Also, food, drink, medication, or certain vitamins can have a diuretic effect and cause temporary Urinary Incontinence. These may include:

      • Coffee, tea or other food or drinks containing caffeine
      • High-sugar foods or drinks
      • Alcohol
      • Foods or drinks containing artificial sweeteners
      • Chocolate (even unsweetened or semi-sweet)
      • Colas and other carbonated drinks
      • High doses of Vitamin C
      • Foods that are high in spice, like peppers
      • Foods or drinks high in carbohydrates or acid, especially citrus fruits, and citrus fruit drinks
      • Heart and blood pressure medications
      • Sedatives, muscle relaxants and any drugs that cause drowsiness

      Chronic Urinary Incontinence is often caused by the following medical conditions or factors:

      • Aging
      • Prostate issues
      • Menopause
      • Neurological conditions
      • Pregnancy and childbirth
      • Cancer/obstructive tumors

      It is important to be evaluated for chronic incontinence because it can serve as a signal of underlying conditions that may require treatment. Also, complications can develop, including UTIs and skin infections, rashes, or sores, not to mention its impact on quality of life at work and at home.

      Symptoms of Urinary Incontinence

      Urinary Incontinence involves the involuntary voiding of urine – in small or large amounts. It is most commonly experienced as:

      • Frequent urination
      • Leaking urine when coughing, sneezing, laughing, exercising, or even passing gas
      • Sudden, uncontrollable urges to urinate that often result in accidents or near-misses
      • Unexpectedly dribbling urine after you thought you’d finished urinating
      • Waking up often at night to urinate, or urinating in your sleep
      • Problems passing urine (e.g., straining to pass urine, urinating in a slow stream, or stopping and starting as you urinate)

      Diagnosing Urinary Incontinence

      Teasing out what is causing your Urinary Incontinence is the most essential part of your diagnosis and treatment journey. A complete medical history, medical testing, and a comprehensive assessment of your symptoms can be effective tools that can be used to properly diagnose Urinary Incontinence. If you are experiencing symptoms of Urinary Incontinence, our goal is to uncover the source of your symptoms, so we can diagnose and treat your condition. At Improving Your Health, we have a great deal of experience in diagnosing Urinary Incontinence and have had great success in treating the condition among our patients.

      Treating Urinary Incontinence

      Once the underlying cause of your condition has been identified, we can begin to successfully treat your Urinary Incontinence. Because the causes vary, the course of treatment will vary with each individual. Our primary treatment tools may include:

      • Evaluating medications and supplements that may be triggering Urinary Incontinence
      • Identifying and limiting exposure to foods or drinks contributing to your Urinary Incontinence
      • Testing and treating medical conditions underlying your Urinary Incontinence (e.g., UTIs, tumors, neurological conditions, etc.)
      • Pelvic floor exercises
      • Medical weight loss if you weight is a factor

      At Improving Your Health, we have had exceptional success using the O-Shot as our preferred treatment option. The O-shot is a type of PRP treatment that is used in the vaginal area. While it is widely known as a method to improve female sexual pleasure, it also works very well for female urinary incontinence, especially stress incontinence. Dr. Rubin prefers using the O-Shot versus surgery or medications that tend to have more side effects.

      If you are struggling with Urinary Incontinence, working with a functional medicine physician who is experienced and understands the complexity of Urinary Incontinence is very important. At Improving Your Health, Dr. Rubin offers the most up-to-date testing and treatment for Urinary Incontinence, so you be set free from the embarrassing symptoms.

      We recommend that you prepare a list of your symptoms – not simply urinary symptoms, but all of your medical issues - prior to your first consultation. There may be other seemingly unrelated conditions and health problems contributing to your Urinary Incontinence.

      Request your consultation today!

      Dr. Rubin is a widely respected functional medicine practitioner in Florida with offices in Naples and Tampa. He has extensive experience treating patients who are suffering from Urinary Incontinence.

      He spent the first 25 years of his medical career working in internal and geriatric medicine, successfully becoming one of Florida's Sun Coast top-rated physicians. For four years, Castle Connolly Medical, Ltd. recognized him as one of the “Top Doctors” in South Florida. After further specialized training, he shifted his practice to a functional medicine approach to better serve the needs of his patients.

      Dr. Rubin takes an individualized approach to treatment, recognizing that each patient has a different medical history, symptoms, and underlying root causes.

      To get evaluated and start treatment, call either of our offices or book online today:

      Naples Office (239) 977-9220

      Tampa Office (813) 499-1440

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